Logic and Learning
The Logic and Learning (LOL) group works on logic and machine learning (inductive logic programming).
Group members
Previous members
Rolf Morel, PhD/DPhil student, Inductive logic programming as satisfiability modulo theories
Maria Alexa Tudose, BA, Identifying relevant background knowledge in inductive logic programming
Bogdan Cretu, BA, Constraint-driven multi-task learning
Cristian Dinu, BA, Overcoming the language bias nightmare in inductive logic programming
Victor Vasiesiu, BA, Inductive general game playing
John Wahlig, MSc, Learning logic programs from noisy failures
Brad Hunter, MSc, Preprocessing in inductive logic programming
Cristian Dinu, BA, Parallel inductive logic programming
Andrei Diaconu, BA, Learning functional programs with function invention and reuse
Alastair Flynn, BA, Inducing game rules from varying quality game play
Rolf Morel, MSc, Refinement type directed search for meta-interpretive learning of higher-order logic programs