Symbolic metaprogram search improves learning efficiency and explains rule learning in humans
J.S. Rule, S.T. Piantadosi, A.Cropper, K. Ellis, M. Nye, and J.B. Tenenbaum
Nature Comms 2024Learning programs by explaining failures
R. Morel and A. Cropper
MLJ 2023Learning programs with magic values
C. Hocquette and A. Cropper
MLJ 2023
code slidesInductive logic programming at 30: a new introduction
A. Cropper and S. Dumančić
JAIR 2022Inductive logic programming at 30
A. Cropper, S. Dumančić, R. Evans, and S.H. Muggleton
MLJ 2022Learning programs by learning from failures
A. Cropper and R. Morel.
MLJ 2021
slidesInductive general game playing
A. Cropper, R. Evans, and M. Law
MLJ 2020
code dataset slidesLogical reduction of metarules
A. Cropper and S. Tourret
MLJ 2020
code slidesLearning higher-order logic programs
A. Cropper, R. Morel, and S.H. Muggleton
MLJ 2020
code slidesLearning efficient logic programs
A. Cropper and S.H. Muggleton
MLJ 2019
code slides
Learning logic programs by finding minimal unsatisfiable subprograms
A. Cropper and C. Hocquette
ECAI 2024Learning big logical rules by joining small rules
C. Hocquette, A. Niskanen, R. Morel, M. Järvisalo, and A. Cropper
IJCAI 2024
codeLearning logic programs by discovering higher-order abstractions
C. Hocquette, S. Dumančić, and A. Cropper
IJCAI 2024Learning MDL logic programs from noisy data
C. Hocquette, A. Niskanen, M. Järvisalo, and A. Cropper
AAAI 2024
code slidesGeneralisation through negation and predicate invention
D. Cerna and A. Cropper
AAAI 2024
code slidesLearning logic programs by combining programs
A. Cropper and C. Hocquette
ECAI 2023
code slidesRelational program synthesis with numerical reasoning
C. Hocquette and A. Cropper
AAAI 2023
codeLearning logic programs by discovering where not to search
A. Cropper and C. Hocquette
AAAI 2023
code slidesThe automatic computer scientist
A. Cropper
AAAI 2023Learning logic programs through divide, constrain, and conquer
A. Cropper
AAAI 2022
code slidesKnowledge refactoring for inductive program synthesis
S. Dumančić, T. Guns, and A. Cropper
AAAI 2021
codeLearning large logic programs by going beyond entailment
A. Cropper and S. Dumančić
IJCAI 2020Turning 30: new ideas in inductive logic programming
A. Cropper, S. Dumančić, and S.H. Muggleton
IJCAI 2020Forgetting to learn logic programs
A. Cropper
AAAI 2020
code slidesLearning higher-order programs through predicate invention
A. Cropper, R. Morel, and S.H. Muggleton
AAAI 2020
slidesPlaygol: learning programs through play
A. Cropper
IJCAI 2019
code slidesSLD-resolution reduction of second-order Horn fragments
S. Tourret and A. Cropper
JELIA 2019Typed meta-interpretive learning of logic programs
R. Morel, A. Cropper, and L. Ong
JELIA 2019
codeDerivation reduction of metarules in meta-interpretive learning
A. Cropper and S. Tourret
ILP 2018
code slidesLearning higher-order logic programs through abstraction and invention
A. Cropper and S.H. Muggleton
IJCAI 2016
code slidesLogic-based inductive synthesis of efficient programs
A. Cropper
IJCAI 2016Learning efficient logical robot strategies involving composable objects
A. Cropper and S.H. Muggleton
IJCAI 2015
code slidesLearning efficient logic programs
A. Cropper
IJCAI 2015Meta-interpretive learning of data transformation programs
A. Cropper, A. Tamaddoni-Nezhad, and S.H. Muggleton
ILP 2015
code slidesTyped meta-interpretive learning for proof strategies
C. Farquhar, G. Grov, A. Cropper, S.H. Muggleton, and A. Bundy
ILP 2015Can predicate invention compensate for incomplete background knowledge?
A. Cropper and S.H. Muggleton
SCAI 2015Logical minimisation of meta-rules within meta-interpretive learning
A. Cropper and S.H. Muggleton
ILP 2014
Relational decomposition for program synthesis
C. Hocquette and A. CropperScalable knowledge refactoring using constrained optimisation
M Liu, D. Cerna, F. Gouveia, and A. CropperPredicate invention by learning from failures
A. Cropper and R. MorelEfficiently learning efficient programs
A. Cropper
PhD thesis. Imperial College London. 2017